Russia-Finland JV Wins Tender to Build Dual Fuel Icebreaker

日期:2014-01-25 07:12:14

Image: Finnish Transport Agency

A joint venture between Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation and the Finnish branch of shipbuilding group STX Arctech Helsinki Shipyard  has won a tender for the construction of an icebreaker for the Finnish Transport Agency.

At a price tag of 123 million euros, this new, dual fuel icebreaker will be capable of plowing continuously through 1.6 m thick level ice.  When clearing a channel, the vessel will be able to break a 25 meter wide channel in 1.2 meter thick ice at speed of 6 knots, as well as to reach 9 to 11 knots of average assistance speed in the Baltic Sea. In open water the service speed will be minimum 16 knots.

STX Arctech Finland notes the final contract will be signed by the end of February with delivery planned by winter 2016.

Esko Mustamäki, the Managing Director of Arctech Helsinki Shipyard comments:

”It is great that the new icebreaker of the Finnish government will be built at Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, which has over 100 years experience in building of arctic vessels. We have the best know-how and experienced builders for such projects. Winning this tender was only possible with USC’s support.”

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