Bourbon CEO Christian Lefèvre Continues the Good Work

日期:2013-12-06 21:20:14
MarineLink.comThursday, December 05, 2013

Christian Lefèvre: Photo Bourbon

Bourbon inform that on the recommendation of the Nominating, Compensation and Governance Committee, the Board of Directors has decided to reappoint Christian Lefèvre as Chief Executive Officer from January 1, 2014 for a 3 year period.

Christian Lefèvre is also serving as Board Member, and on his proposal the Board of Directors has also decided to reappoint
 Gaël Bodénès and Laurent Renard as Executive Vice-Presidents for the same length of period.

Bourbon adds that the composition of the Executive Committee remained unchanged.

About Bourbon

The Paris, France-headquartered international company says it offers the most demanding oil & gas companies a comprehensive range of exploration, development and production support services for shallow water and deepwater offshore oil & gas fields and wind farms, through its Marine Services and Subsea Services Activities.

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