Singapore to Host Ship Recycling Summit

日期:2014-04-03 09:45:14

ACI’s Ship Recycling Summit will take place October 2014 in Singapore, allowing shipowners, brokers, cash buyers, steel merchants and ship breaking yards to come together in an informal setting to discuss the challenges that they each face in meeting the Hong Kong convention requirements and the challenges brought about by new EU regulation.

This unique forum also focuses on the latest issues affecting the industry such as a global push for more environmentally sound ship breaking and recycling.

Topics include

•Turkey: Europe’s Answer to Green Ship Recycling?

•What are the Implications of Ratification on the Indian Recycling Industry?

•What are the Aims of the European Union Recycling Agreement?

•Steel Price Volatility and Currency Fluctuations, and their Impact on the Scrap Value of Vessels

•'As Is' Versus 'Delivered Basis', the Legal Implications on the Ship Owner and Cash Buyer

•Will the European Union Recognize and Legitimize the Use of the Beaching Method Utilized by South Asian Recycling Facilities?

•How will the Costing Difference between Compliant Yards and Non-Regulated Yards Impact the Uptake of European Regulations?

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